Octavia Hill Residents Association                                                                                           
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Coach outing to Southed

The Association have arranged a Day Coach Trip to Southend for members living in   Ufford/Mitre/Webber/Croydon & Charing

This will take place on Saturday 8th June 2013 and will leave St Andrews Church Short at 9.00 am and arriving back in Waterloo at about 21.00

Places  will be given free of charge  on the basis of 2 per household of fully paid up members but there may be available spaces for additional persons to travel at a cost of £20.00 for adults and £10.00 for children under 13

Southend has really expanded and developed over the past few years with a good shopping centre , amusement park and lots of really good eating and drinking places.

To reserve your place pleaase contact Mike Tuppen   on 0207 928 0244  or email Mike@tuppenfamily.com